Books · Tag

The Holiday Drinks Book Tag


Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of posts recently, I’ve been busy and now I have finals to do. *sign*I haven’t done a tag in an absolute age, so I’m glad to be back doing them! Especially a Christmasy one!

Thank you to Ariel + Cerys for Tagging me to do The Holiday Drinks Book Tag.
Make sure you check out the original post here!

1. Hot Chocolate: Marshmallows and chocolate and whipped cream, oh my! Recommend a book that’s sweet through and through.

A Quiet Kind of Thunder by Sara Barnard  – I’m not usually someone who reads super sweet, cutesy books, they’re usually contemporary – which I don’t pick up often, but this book is SO adorable I can’t even.

2. Peppermint Mocha: The flavour of peppermint is strong and distinct. Recommend a book with a lot of strong emotions.

Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas. My god. I cried so much during this book, I cannot even tell you how many times, I lost count. THE FEELS.

3. Apple Cider: It’s so good it can’t be good for you, but it’s from apples—that means it’s healthy, right? Recommend a book full of characters with questionable morals.

Vicious by V.E. Schwab – AMAZING BOOK! The characters are morally grey/ kinda anti-hero and I live for it.

4. Eggnog: It’s creamy and smooth, with a little spice, and some people even add alcohol to it. Recommend a book that’s mostly fun, with just a hint of danger.

The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater – I’m cheating here by recommending a series but it’s such a fun series but there is a ‘danger’ element.

5. Gingerbread Latte: A drink with a veritable explosion of spices. Recommend a book with a lot of action.

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. Non-stop action in space! What more could you possibly want? It’s absolutely amazing and I need to continue the series asap.


I tag:
Cindy @ Readctbooks

+ Anyone else who’d like to do it!


10 thoughts on “The Holiday Drinks Book Tag

      1. my favorite is the peppermit mocha; eggnog latte is good, but I never had eggnog by itself xD and find the gingerbread latte kind of “okay” too,


  1. I really, really need to get around to reading Vicious. It’s been on my TBR forever at this point.
    Thanks so much for doing my tag! I really enjoyed it!

    Liked by 1 person

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