Books · Tag

The Spooky Would You Rather Book Tag!


Hey guys!
Today, as you can see from the title, I’m going to be doing a tag!
Wanted to do a Halloween-ish tag so here it is!

Thriller or Supernatural

Supernatural! I don’t read thrillers…

Ghosts or Zombies

Ghosts for sure!

Vampire or Werewolves

(Huge Teen Wolf fan)

Witches or Demons


Would you rather read a book with 13 chapters or a book with a black cat on the cover?

Black cat on the cover for sure! Imagine how massive the 13 chapters would be… No thanks. I like my chapter short and sweet.

Would you rather read a spooky book in the dark with only a candle for light, or by yourself in a locked brightly lit room?

Uhhh.. preferably neither.
But I’ll go with a brightly lit room.

Would you rather face your worst fears, or be trapped in the mind of a killer?

As interesting it would be to see the mind of a killer I would not want to be trapped there. I’ll face my fears and (hopefully) get over them!

Would you rather watch a scary movie or read a scary book?

Scary movie! (so it’s over quicker, haha)

Would you rather read spooky books during the fall time or all year?

During fall. Gives more spooky vibes.
I think reading them in spring/summer would feel so odd.

Would you rather read 10 spooky books in October or 10 spooky books all year?

In October.
Halloween feels! Plus 10 books in a month would be great!

(for tomorrow!)

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Books · Recommendations

Non-Spooky Halloween/Autumn Book Recs


Hey guys!
Thought I’d do a recommendation list for people who are not a fan of being scared/reading horror, like me but still want some Halloween/autumn vibes.

Let’s jump right in:

Dark Vision by Debbie Johnson


This is an underrated book, in my opinion. I’ve never heard anyone else talk about it but I really enjoyed it when I read it a few years ago. It’s one of the few paranormal/urban fantasy books set in the UK (Liverpool). The main character is a quite feisty and relatable woman and the side characters are pretty cool too. It has all kinds of myth intertwined in, it has Gods, Goddesses, Vampires, Mates (SJM kinda Mate), etc. 

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Purchase on Amazon UK: Kindle | Paperback

Nemesis by Brendan Reichs
I read this a while ago, but it has stuck with me. It has some amazing plot twists and genre bending/mixing. It would be such an amazing Halloween/autumn read.
I need to finally read the last book in this series! It’s so good.
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Purchase on Amazon UK: Kindle | Paperback

*The Gilded King
by Josie Jaffrey

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This is a YA vampire/paranormal/dystopian by an indie author.
I read this last year and I really enjoyed it, despite not being a huge paranormal/vampire lover, this was extremely well done.

My full review for this is here

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Purchase on Amazon UK: Kindle (currently free!)| Paperback

*Rose: A Double Life by Valérie Vernay Denis Lapière +Émilie Alibert
(Graphic Novel)

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This was such a cool graphic novel!
I requested this on a whim from Netgalley and I ended up loving it.
It has paranormal, murder-mystery and thriller elements and it’s so interesting! (The art is really cool too)

Mini GR review for this here!

NicePng_goodreads-png_2331558 (1)
Purchase here on Amazon UK: Kindle | Can’t find a physical copy(?)

*Purchase links are affiliate*

chatLeave me a recommendation!

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Books · Tag

The Netgalley Book Tag!

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I was tagged ages ago by the lovely Susan @Novellives.
And I completely forgot about it and randomly remembered. So here I am, finally doing this tag!


✿ Link back to the tag’s creator: Kourtni at Kourtni Reads
✿ Thank and link back to the person who tagged you.
✿ Answer the questions the best you can.
✿ If you don’t use NetGalley, you can substitute other sites/places you get books!
✿ Tag a few people to do this too!

Auto-Approved: Who’s one author whose books you automatically want to read, regardless of what they’re about?

Brandon Sanderson.
It’s going to be amazing no matter what it is.

Request: What makes you want to request a book that you see on NetGalley?

Cover/author, usually.
I am a sucker for a pretty cover.
If I like an author I’ll pretty much try anything they put out!

Feedback Ratio: Do you review every book you read? If not, how do you decide what books to review?

Depends on whether I have time. I mostly review any book I enjoyed, I tend to leave the negative reviews for Goodreads but I will post a negative review for popular books on my blog.

Badges: If you could create your own badge to display on your blog, what would it be for?

Ooo, this is an interesting question.
I’d probably have a Fantasy + a Sci-fi badge to show off my favourite genres.

Wish for It: What’s one book that you are absolutely dying to read?

Starsight by Brandon Sanderson!!
Wish I could have an ARC so bad. It’s going to be amazing, I just know it.

2019 NetGalley Challenge: What was the last book that you received as an ARC that you reviewed? If you’ve never received an ARC, what’s the last book you reviewed?

I am actually so behind with my ARCs atm. I think the last one I read and reviewed was Kingdom of Souls (Review here).
I have an abundance to get through though!! I need to up my game ha.

I tag: Jemma @ Fantastic Books and Where to Find them

+ Feel free to consider yourself tagged if you’d like to do this tag!

Find me on  Instagram//Twitter//Goodreads

Books · WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday | 23/10/2019


Happy Wednesday!
This tag/meme is hosted on Taking on a World of Words. It’s a super simple meme, you just answered the three W questions.

The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Recently Finished:

Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff

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It took so long to get through but I am finally done. (also kinda disappointed more in my review here)

Reasons To Stay Alive by Matt Haig (Audiobook)
Image result for Reasons to stay alive audiobook
Such an amazing read, great for those with mental health problems (mainly depression + anxiety). This book really hit home with me and I recommend it to everyone. Even those without depression and anxiety because it could help put into words how people with those illnesses feel and live.
The book is read by the author himself, which makes it so much more personal.

Currently Reading:

Crownbreaker by Sebastien De Castell (Audiobook)
Image result for crownbreaker audiobook

Last book in the Spellslinger series! I’m so excited and sad about this book. It has been an amazing series so far, I cannot wait to see how it ends.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (reread)

Image result for pride and prejudice audiobook librivox
I have to read this for class, this is a reread for me and I’m actually looking forward to seeing what I get from it this time around + studying it.
I’m probably going to switch back and forth audiobook and physical for this.

Reading Next:

For Uni:
Emma by Jane Austen
Ivanhoe by Walter Scott

For pleasure/review:
Into the Crooked Place by Alexandra Christo
Giant Days by Allison, Treiman + Cogar

chatWhat have you been reading?
Link your WWW Wednesday post and I’ll check it out 🙂

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Books · Review

Review: Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff | WHAT A LETDOWN.


“When all is blood, blood is all.”

* SPOILERS for Nevernight and Godsgrave!*
Click on the titles for my reviews of them!

The greatest games in Godsgrave’s history have ended with the most audacious murders in the history of the Itreyan Republic. Mia Corvere, gladiatii, escaped slave and infamous assassin, is on the run. Pursued by Blades of the Red Church and soldiers of the Luminatii legion, she may never escape the City of Bridges and Bones alive. Her mentor Mercurio is now in the clutches of her enemies. Her own family wishes her dead. And her nemesis, Consul Julius Scaeva, stands but a breath from total dominance over the Republic. But beneath the city, a dark secret awaits. Together with her lover Ashlinn, brother Jonnen and a mysterious benefactor returned from beyond the veil of death, she must undertake a perilous journey across the Republic, seeking the final answer to the riddle of her life. Truedark approaches. Night is falling on the Republic for perhaps the final time. Can Mia survive in a world where even daylight must die?

My Thoughts:

Oh boy. I have such mixed feelings on this book.
After THAT cliff hangar in Godsgrave, I immediately picked this one up. I was dying to know what happened next. But alas, as with Nevernight, the book was pretty damn slow, to begin with. I felt like a lot of this book was filler. It took a while to pick up, which happened in the middle-last part but slowed down again in places. It took me an incredibly long time to get through this, I could put this down for DAYS without touching it. It got to the point where I was just fed up of it being unread and would read. It just didn’t have me gripped most of the time. In some places, I was super gripped but not for long.

I am not a fan of Mia x Ashlinn anyways. I literally will never get over her killing Tric and the fact Mia doesn’t really care just annoys me. Like???
The fact Tric is brought back into the mix for basically no purpose other than a love triangle. DISAPPOINTING.

I REALLY hated the ending. WHAT WAS THAT! I feel kinda cheated and unsatisfied.
It’s literally like the ending of Ruin and Rising all over again. Disappointing and stupid!

I said it before, I’ll say it again: this reads like YA. Everyone rabbits on and on about how these books aren’t YA but they literally read like YA. I’ve read plenty of adult fantasy but this even follows the typical YA-chosen-one path. It goes less towards the revenge plot and the chosen one plot takes over. Bleh. This book is basically YA trying to be adult by adding graphic sex scenes and using swear words.

Enough with the ranting about things I didn’t enjoy…

Here’s what I liked:
There was A LOT emotion and feelings going on. (I didn’t cry but I did have the feels)
There were high stakes, to begin with. (Ultimately let down but oh well)
Mia’s Badassery
CLOUD. (If you know, you know) Amazing. Love him.

Mia: I like Mia but this book lessened her a little for me. I found her predictable and a tad whiny. I did love Mia and Mercurio. That relationship was beautiful.
What I didn’t like were Mia and Ashlinn. Pass.

Ashlinn: I wasn’t hugely fond of Ashlinn in the first two, I’m still not fond of her.
I especially hate her for killing my fave (Tric) and now taunts him??? No bitch. The tension/ love triangle that happens is just pathetic. It was just annoying. Ashlinn is incredibly annoying in this book in particular.

My love!! So happy he’s back. I kinda knew he’d be back. I wasn’t spoiled for the series but I knew somehow he’d be brought back into it. I loveeee Tric but I feel like he was wasted???! I want so much more. (Kinda wanted Tric and Mia back together, don’t hate me)

2.5? 3? Maybe
Parts of this book were 4 stars. Some were 2 stars.

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*Purchase here on Amazon UK: Hardback | Kindle

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Books · Tag

The Seven Deadly Sins Book Tag


Hey Guys!
I wasn’t tagged to do this but I thought it would be a quick + easy post to do!
I’m having to bulk write and schedule posts as I STILL don’t have wifi in my uni flat. It is the bane of my existence. I have a shitty landlord + useless letting agent so what can I do 😦 😦

Anyways, onto the tag:

Greed – What is the most expensive book you own? Which is the least expensive?

Most expensive currently: A Game of Thrones Illustrated Anniversary Edition
(but I have some books preordered that cost more, so this will soon change)

Cheapest: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind – which I got for 20p at a summer fate bookstall.

Gluttony – What book or books have you shamelessly devoured many times?

ACOTAR series.
I am trash for SJM and will continue to devour anything she puts out. Her stuff is so easy to binge over and over.

Lust – What attributes do you find most attractive in your characters?

Humour, sarcasm, passion + strength.
Such a power combo.

Envy – What books would you like to receive as a gift?

Literally any. I’m grateful for all the gifts I receive but books would be amazing!
I have a whole Amazon Wishlist dedicated to books people can buy me!

Pride – What book or books do you bring up when you want to sound like an intellectual reader?

Any classics or anything I’ve read for uni.
I study English Literature, so I’ve read a fair few classics. Plus studying EngLit makes people think I’m an Intellectual Reader™

Sloth – What book or series have you neglected out of sheer laziness?

All of them

The Stormlight Archive, it’s HUGE. I’ve read the first book but only 3 books are currently out and it’s going to be literally 10 books long…
I’m holding off as long as possible but I also really want to read it now -___-

Wrath – What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?

Leigh Bardugo
I love some of her characters but storywise it’s just not impressive.
The Shadow and Bone trilogy is trash, sorry not sorry. Two of the character in it are great (The Darkling + Nikolai) but are SO under-used! So disappointed in those books. I’m glad I read Six of Crows first. But upon rereading it’s still not amazing and certainly not a favourite. Her writing has definitely improved but overall meh. But I really liked the characters in SoC. I have no idea whether to continue with her books or not.

Feel free to consider yourself tagged if you wish to do this tag!

Let’s be friends: Instagram//Twitter//Goodreads

Books · WWW Wednesday

More Austen + Some Medieval Robin Hood // WWW Wednesday | 16/10/2019


Happy Wednesday!
This tag/meme is hosted on Taking on a World of Words. It’s a super simple meme, you just answered the three W questions.

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?
Recently Finished:

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

Ballads I read for uni:
Robin Hood and the Monk
Robin Hood and the Potter
These medieval ballads are as thrilling as the sound and very difficult to read. What have I signed up for?! Sadly, I can’t count these on Goodreads but I still read them and I want that to be noted! (LOL)

Currently Reading:

Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff (still)
I’ve been reading this forever now. It’s been weeks and I just haven’t had the time to read it (unfortunately) I hope to finish it asap!!

Reasons To Stay Alive by Matt Haig

Reading Next:

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

I also have a bunch of arcs I need to read and review asap!

Books · Review

Review: Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff

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There may be spoilers for the first book.
I have a spoiler-free review of Nevernight here.


Assassin Mia Corvere has found her place among the Blades of Our Lady of Blessed Murder, but many in the Red Church ministry think she’s far from earned it. Plying her bloody trade in a backwater of the Republic, she’s no closer to ending Consul Scaeva and Cardinal Duomo, or avenging her familia. And after a deadly confrontation with an old enemy, Mia begins to suspect the motives of the Red Church itself.

When it’s announced that Scaeva and Duomo will be making a rare public appearance at the conclusion of the grand games in Godsgrave, Mia defies the Church and sells herself to a gladiatorial collegium for a chance to finally end them. Upon the sands of the arena, Mia finds new allies, bitter rivals, and more questions about her strange affinity for the shadows. But as conspiracies unfold within the collegium walls, and the body count rises, Mia will be forced to choose between loyalty and revenge, and uncover a secret that could change the very face of her world.

My Thoughts:

Oh. My. God. This. Book.

It was absolutely amazing! I enjoy this so much more than Nevernight, which I did enjoy, but this took it to the next level. Nevernight took ages to pick up and get gripping, for me. Godsgrave had a faster pace from the beginning and I was sucked into the world much easier in this one. It still took me a while to read, the writing style isn’t one I find I can fly through but that didn’t hinder my enjoyment of the story.

Still not a fan of the footnotes, I have to be honest: I just don’t see the point. It just seems like an info dump/ lazy world-building. Most of them are too long and they have a tendency to slow down the story and take me out of the story. It’s just odd. If I were to reread this series I would probably skip the footnotes, they aren’t hugely relevant to the story and I forget them almost immediately after reading. Yet I keep reading them. In hope, it’ll be important at some point.

The setting was amazing: it is a gladiator centred setting – which was so cool! I did not expect this type of setting after the last one being wholely a school setting. It was a nice surprise!

I loved getting to know more about Mia’s power’s/ Darkins in general; I love anything to do with dark magic, daemons etc. I was dying to know more about Mr Kindly from book one and you definitely get everything you want in this book!

The only “bad” thing I can say is: the plot twists were seriously predictable. I wasn’t overly surprised at anything. That’s the only reason this book wasn’t a 4.5-5 star read for me.

I know this book is suppose to be adult but it seriously reads like YA. (Other than the excessive swearing + sex scenes)

Mia: I love Mia, especially in this book. I felt so connected and invested in her story and the revenge she wants for her family. I am fully invested, emotionally, in Mia, I had all the feels for her in various ways over the course of this book.
Her character development has been decent, not super amazing but it’s definitely there.

Mr Kindly + Eclipse: These two!! I love that they hate each other and have banter back and forth. I loved getting to know more about them in this book. It was SO cool and interesting to get deeper into the daemon stuff.

Rating: 4.25 Stars

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*Purchase on Amazon UK: Paperback | Kindle
Or sign up to Audible for a free trial!

*Links are affiliate

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Books · Tag

The Throne of Glass Book Tag


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Hey guys!
It has been almost a year since Throne of Glass ended, where has the time gone?!
I saw this tag and thought what a fun tag to do around this time!
Have no fear, there will be no spoilers for the series! You can safely read this without being spoiled for any of the series 🙂

LYSANDRA | A book with a cover change you loved

I’m going with a whole series:
Shadow and Bone Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo

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The original covers were okay but LOOK AT THE NEW ONES.
Love them. Shame they aren’t as pretty on the inside.

ABRAXOS | A book that’s better on the inside than it looks on the outside

The Black Prism by Brent Weeks

ERILEA | A series with great world-building

Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson
(Literally, anything by him is INCREDIBLE world-building. He is undefeated)

RIFTHOLD | A book that combines genres

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

DAMARIS | A book based on/inspired by a myth/legend

Percy Jackson and the Olympians 
By Rick Riordan
+ Basically anything by RR, he’s incredible.


KALTAIN ROMPIER | A book with an unexpected twist

The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson

ASSASSIN’S KEEP | A book with an unreliable narrator

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
(Was not a fan of Kvothe, what an annoying character)

ASTERIN BLACKBEAK | A book that’s got squad goals

Throne of Glass
Six of Crows
The Raven Cycle


TERRASEN | A book that feels like home

Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson

AELIN ASHRYVER GALATHYNIUS | A book with the power to destroy you

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
I cry every time.

MANON BLACKBEAK | A book that intimidated you

Kingdom of Ash – So massive (Over 900 pages) and the last book in the series, which are both scary things! Luckily, it was absolutely amazing.

ROWAN WHITETHORN | A book that makes you swoon

A Court of Mist and Fury
Do I really need to explain? Rhysand + Cassian + Azriel = SWOON.

CHAOL WESTFALL | A book that challenged you to see things differently

Notes on a Nervous Planet by Matt Haig

This book made me so much more self-aware of how the world affects my mental health and my life. It’s such a great book to read, especially if you suffer from anxiety/depression/panic attacks.

FLEETFOOT | A book you received as a gift

Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

EYE OF ELENA | A book you found right when you needed it

The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary
This saved from a huge slump and was my first 5 star read in months back when I read it. I was reading books and not enjoying them, this restored my love of reading!

I tag anyone who wants to do it!
Link me if you do; I’d love to read your answers 🙂

Let’s be friends!
Find me on: Instagram//Twitter//Goodreads

Books · WWW Wednesday

A Very Austen WWW Wednesday | 9/10/2019


Happy Wednesday!

This week’s post is very Austen centred. I have been mainly Jay Kristoff focused in the last god knows how many WWW Wednesday’s I’m glad to be featuring something else!
I started my second year of university last week and this semester I’m doing a whole module on Jane Austen. There’s going to be an abundance of her appearing over the next month as I read most of her books.

If you didn’t know already, WWW Wednesday is hosted on Taking on a World of Words. It’s a super simple meme, you just answered the three W questions.

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading
What do you think you’ll read next?
Recently Finished:

Teenage Writings by Jane Austen

Image result for teenage writings jane austen

This was odd. It was quite a drag to read but it was for uni so I had to read it to be able to study it. It’s not something I ever would’ve picked up for fun.

Currently Reading:

Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff (still)

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

Reading Next:

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

This will be a reread for me, I read this last year, I think. I’m excited to revist this book and study it in detail!

I am also want to pick up: Saga Vol 3 by Brian K. Vaughan + Fiona Staples

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I have a loooot of reading for class, hence why I haven’t finished Darkdawn yet, so I thought a graphic novel would be a good idea to pick up next. It’s quick and easy to read and I have been dying to continue this series: It’s incredible!
The first two are on *Kindle Unlimited, worth signing up for a trial purely for them!
*Affiliate link


What’s your current read?

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